2019 Annual Meeting Minutes
Brittany Oaks Homeowner Annual Meeting: April 23, 2019
Kansas City Councilman 2nd District- Dan Fowler
- Discussed roads repairs, all to be fixed in a couple of years. Upcoming road projects at 64th street, Prairie View Road, 72nd Street East of I29.
- Curbs are being evaluated
- Potholes should be reported and are being fixed.
- Snow removal: residential streets the drivers don’t have CDL, the goal is to provide a 7 foot-wide-path to allow drivers to drive cautiously. A pickup is used in the subdivision, so they don’t always salt the roads. They would have to frequently reload salt to complete this task. Sand is used at intersections and is problematic because it needs cleaned up and gets into the water system. Cul-de-sacs are not a high priority and if you live at the top or the bottom of a hill they won’t risk getting stuck. If you live in an area that is not cleaned well, PLEASE CALL 311. They won’t accept any complaints until 24 hours after the snowfall.
Kansas City Councilwoman 2nd District At-Large: Theresa Loar
- Airport demolition to begin next month
- Zona Rosa is under new management, looking at entertainment, activity business more than retail.
- KC Mayor upcoming election, please vote Tuesday, June 18th.
- Hiking trails are continuing to be expanded. Soccer fields are forthcoming by Platte Purchase & I52. Little league baseball fields.
- Police shortage in the northland, is still not good but getting better.
Treasure Report – Current yearly expenditures is greater than the amount of total dues collected.
- Flowers in the entryway. Spring, Summer and Fall with regular maintenance.
- Trash picked up in drainage detainment areas – 52 trash bags. This area is cleaned of weeds and small trees on a regular basis. This needed to be done so the water flows freely and does not back up into Brittany Oaks yards or cause issues downstream on Weatherby Lakes property.

- Mowing service continues front and back entrances and all easement areas.
- Several home owner’s dues were not paid this year, a collection agency will be utilized in addition to a lien on the home. Homeowners will be responsible for the collection agency fees in addition to late fees and the dues.
- Those present requested a vote on to raise the dues to $100. Vote passed, dues will be raised effective October 2019.
HOA Management Company
- Discussion took place regarding the need of an HOA management company to take off the responsibility of the one or two individuals that are active on the board.
- They will send out invoices, agendas, handle complaints filed.
- Would replace current treasurer’s role, this expense would go toward the management company fee
- Doesn’t put neighbors against neighbors when complaints are made
- HOA Bi-Laws and restrictions will be enforced through the company contracted to manage.
- Company Suggestion: First Service, Classic Association
- Board will continue to collect information and choose company. The board will ensure the contract states BOHA will be informed of all complaints and have final decision on actions.
Open Board Positions
- Frances Baker nominated, seconded and vote passed.
- Sarah Dougherty nominated, seconded and voted passed.
- Angela Kroeger nominated, seconded and voted passed.
Easement to School
- Needs some maintenance, mulch, plants
Lights Front Entrance
- Several lights in the front entrance were broken over the winter by snow plows. These will be fixed with lights better suited for this area.
Garage Sale will take place.
- Friday and Saturday, June 21-22, 2019
Congratulations 2019 Homeowners fees will be waived for the following two winners,
- Wei Sun
- Julia Weindruch