2024 Meeting Minutes

Brittany Oaks Homeowners Association Minutes of Annual Meeting

23th April 2024

Meeting at Hope Fellowship Baptist Church began at 7:00 pm


Board members present – Jill Townsend , Richard Pitman, Jacob Hanson

City Councilperson  Wes Rogers, Councilman  (2nd District) -Present 

Meeting called to order by Vice President, Jacob Hansen 


Current Neighborhood Updates

  • BOHA dues are used to continue to maintain easement and retention areas. 
  • Rutts Lawn & Landscape (RLL) was selected to provide mowing services as of Spring 2024, keeping these areas free from trash to help maintain easement and retention areas. 
  • RLL will mow and maintain weed control of the front entrance on the east side of Conant. 
  • RLL will also mow and maintain the back entrance off of Mace road where the sidewalk was constructed.

Sprinkler at the front entrance – KC Sprinkler takes care of the sprinkler annual maintenance and pressure testing of backflow valves and zones.

LandscapingPlanting annuals in pots and maintaining perennials are volunteer services provided by board member(s).

Pet Waste– As a reminder, please pick up your dog waste and carry a plastic bag to pick up your dog waste. Complaints may be referred to Kansas City 311 Action as it is a city ordinance, Sec. 14-19 – Disposal of manure: removal of waste states:

  1. All manure accumulations in any pen, run, cage or yard establishment wherein any animal or fowl is kept shall be removed or disposed of in such a manner as to prevent the breeding of flies and the creation of offensive, disagreeable, or noxious smells or odors.
  2. It shall be unlawful for the person in  control of a dog, cat or other animals or fowl to allow the dog, cat or other animals or fowl to deposit manure on public property or on the private property of another  person.
  3. The owner or keeper of every animal or fowl shall be responsible for the removal of any excreta deposit by such animal or fowl on public walks, streets, recreation areas of private property. It shall be a violation of this chapter for such owner or keeper to fail to remove or provide for the removal of such excreta before taking an animal or fowl from the immediate area where such excretion occurred.
  4. (Code of Gen. Ords, 1967 §6.17; Ord No. 48707, 6-22-78; Ord No. 65201, 3-1-90).

Removal of Yard Waste- Please refrain from dumpling leaves, tree clippings, twigs, etc… in the street or dumping them in the sewer. Property owners should never blow leaves (rubbish which includes grass clippings) into the street (right-of-way), as this is prohibited (62.89 – Illegal dumping) under CODE OF ORDINANCES CITY OF KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI VOLUME I – Chapter 62 – SOLID WASTE Clippings can be taken to the yard waste recycling center 11660 N. Main Street (NE corner of Northeast Cookingham Drive and North Main Street) on Saturday mornings free of charge with Kansas City resident identification. 

By-Laws Compliance -The Board continues to extend “Thanks” to all the BO residents who abide by the BO bylaws with respect to annual payment of dues, storage of boats, trailers, and upkeep of homes. Please continue to resolve differences among yourselves and be respectful of each other. There are standard operating procedures for review/response to complaints.

Financial Report 

HOA financials were distributed at the meeting and report detail of expenses was provided by McCann Bookkeeping & Tax Services.

Online Payment for dues – 58% of dues were paid using the Online Payment option. 93% of all residents are paid in full.

Nomination/Confirmation Open board positions. 

There were no volunteers accepting the open board position at the meeting.

Will list open board position on BOHA Facebook page.

Drawing for two free annual dues:

 Winners: Jacob Hansen and ??  

Updates from City Councilman Wes Rogers

  • Increased Budget for KCMO Police Dept.
  • New Vocational Tech center relocating from Platte City to 152 corridor by Costco.
  • Some district funding is still available for community projects.
  • Advised to email with concerns [email protected]

Resident Topics

  • Sidewalk sections marked for potential leveling in the future. 
  • Residents interested in traffic study for the intersection of Barry and Conant avenue intersection.
  • The Park Hill H.S. “crossover” needs attention by the landscape company and requires addl. Mulch.
  • Potential for neighborhood garage sale still under consideration.

Meeting adjourned at 8:00 pm