Posts by Brittany Oaks
Package Thefts in Brittany Oaks
There have been several reports of stolen UPS and Fedex packages in our neighborhood as well as some of the surrounding neighborhoods. Here are some surveillance camera photos that were uploaded to our neighborhood page on If you recognize this person or notice anything going on please contact the KCPD. Reports have been filed and it could…
Read More2015 Annual Meeting Recap
Thank you to all who attended the 2015 Annual Homeowners meeting. In case you missed it, here are some of the highlights: Officer Buckhalter from the KCPD North Patrol shared some neighborhood crime stats and asked everyone to keep their eyes open for suspicious activity. He explained how reporting such activity helps the department with leads…
Read MoreBrittany Oaks Homeowners Annual Meeting: June 30, 2015
Mark your calendar, the annual Brittany Oaks Homeowners Association meeting is planned for Tuesday, June 30th, 2015 at 7:00pm. The meeting will be held at Hope Fellowship Church, located in front of the neighborhood. All Brittany Oaks homeowners are encouraged to attend! Topics for Discussion: Treasurer’s report and financials Crime updates. We’ll ask for a…
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