Posts by Brittany Oaks
Snow Removal in Brittany Oaks
Several people have inquired about the HOA’s responsibility regarding snowplowing and treating icy streets in our neighborhood. Snow removal is the responsibility of the Kansas City Public Works Department. Read about the city’s snow removal process on All requests and complaints should be submitted to the City’s 3-1-1 Hotline, not our Homeowner’s Association.
Read MoreHelp keep Brittany Oaks kids at Prairie Point
Brittany Oaks residents are invited to sign a petition to keep Brittany Oaks elementary students at Prairie Point Elementary School. The School District is redistricting several schools in the area. Minimizing change is one of the criteria set by the board of education for the 2018 Park Hill redistricting process, yet all the elementary scenarios…
Read MoreReminder: All trailers must be stored by October 15th
Boats, campers, and trailers are not allowed to be stored in Brittany Oaks at any time, however, accommodations are made during the summer months for temporary loading and unloading as needed. Trailers should never be left on any lot or neighborhood street for more than 2-3 days for this purpose. After October 15th, no trailers…
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