2016 Meeting Minutes
Brittany Oaks Homes Association
Annual Meeting
April 19, 2016
Nathan Dulle, President called the meeting to order at 7:00pm.
Introductions of Board Members and Officers
Amy Justice from the City Councilman office made a presentation and took questions.
- A sign-up sheet was available to receive emails from the city.
- For concerns, homeowners were encouraged to access www.kcmo.gov .
- A variety of city information will be available to homeowners on our website, www.brittanyoaks.org
- Amy shared many new businesses are opening in the northland including a Costco off Hwy 152 and Platte Purchase Road.
UPDATE: The official response to the questions presented to Amy Justice in the meeting is posted HERE.
Dana Meachum, our neighborhood crime watcher, encouraged residents to report any crime to her so that can be shared with other neighbors.
Nathan Dulle presented the treasure’s report.
Jim Kenney was present to share his landscaping/planting schedule for the front entrance and walkway for upcoming year.
Neighborhood Garage Sale June 4th.
Dumpster Days June 6th and 7th at Hope Fellowship Church lower parking lot. Remember, no paint, tires, motors of any kind or yard waste. Check the website for a list of items NOT permitted in the dumpster.
Proposed By-Law change:
A proposal to delete Section 1 and Section 2 of Article IV of the By-laws and replace with a new Section 1 of Article IV and re-number consecutively the remaining sections of Article IV [Board of Directors: Selection: Term of Office] as follows:
Section 1. Number. The initial affairs of this Association shall be managed by a Board of three (3) Directors, who need not be members of the Association.
Section 2. Term of Office. At the second annual meeting the members shall elect three (3) directors, one (1) director for a one (1) year term, one (1) for a two (2) year term and one (1) director for a three (3) year term; and at each annual meeting thereafter the members shall elect one (1) director for a term of three (3) years.
Section 1. Term and Number. At each annual meeting the members will elect directors so that there are at least three (3) directors but not more than five (5) directors. Each director will serve for a three (3) year term.
Nathan Dulle made a move on the above change and a second was made by Bob Brunker, the motion passed.
New Board members for three (3) terms are:
Rebecca Martin
Martin Hutton
Shmael Siryon
Open Discussion:
Poop Stations with bags for pet waste
Retention ponds and insect concerns
Drawing for free dues – Michelle Miller and Julie Kloeppel
Meeting was adjourned 8:30pm
Julie Kloeppel