Posts by Brittany Oaks
Neighborhood Dumpster Dates
A dumpster will be placed in the church parking lot on Monday, June 15th sometime before noon for Brittany Oaks residents to use during their Spring cleaning projects. It will be picked up late in the day on Tuesday, June 16th. If the dumpster is full on Monday, please don’t continue to overfill it. Another dumpster will…
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For those of you that are not aware, our long-time President Jim Keeney moved away recently. We wish him the best. There have been some delays planning the BOHA annual meeting, as well as the neighborhood garage sale and dumpster dates. The board will meet next week to determine an agenda for the meeting, and…
Read MorePark Hill Band Fundraiser
The Park Hill Band is having a fundraiser to support an upcoming program with the Boston Brass. This will be a phenomenal opportunity for some of our kids to play with some world renowned professional musicians. If you appreciate fine music, or are a connoisseur of great musical talent, or just want that kid next…
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